Before your visit
We will verify your benefits before your appointment, so be sure we have your accurate insurance information when you schedule.
Every pair of glasses and sunglasses you are currently using
Contact lens packages or prescription
List of current medications, including dosages
Photo ID
Insurance cards (medical and vision)
Patient Information Sheet (only if you are a new patient)
If you do not have insurance coverage, you will be expected to pay in full for the office visit at your exam.
We collect all co-pays at the time of the visit.
New patients please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment for registration.
Please allow up to 1 hour for your first office visit.
If you need to cancel this appointment, please give our office at least a 24-hour notice.
If you fail to show up to your initial new patient visit, you will not be rescheduled with our office.